Our Approach

Research indicates that if your employment requires you to drive on road then motor vehicle crashes are the largest cause of employment-related injury and death. Corporate Driver Training Australia has developed an exciting and innovative approach to reducing road trauma. All CDTA products are based on a sophisticated teaching model called Low Risk Driving.

Low Risk Driving is not advanced skills driving nor is it defensive driving. Low Risk Driving is a very cautious way of driving that demands continuous effort and a heightened level of awareness when driving a motor vehicle.

Low Risk Driving could best be described as the product of two key inputs. It is the behaviour that results from developing particular ways of thinking and feeling about your driving.

Our programs can help drivers know what they need to do, how to think and how to manage emotions more effectively when out there on the roads.

Emotion is Feeling

How you feel affects the way you drive. Our emotions definitely ‘fuel’ our behaviour. When we are in control of our emotions we can change the way we feel about common driving situations such as being tailgated or when a driver tries to push in front of you when merging.

Cognition is Thinking

CDTA is careful not to deliver any training experience that makes drivers feel that they are a better driver than what they really are. By thinking, “I’m a good driver. It’s not going to happen to me,” can in fact build over-confidence and unrealistic levels of optimism. In the delivery of our courses we use scientifically proven thinking skills designed to help drivers think in a more realistic manner.

In addition to thinking realistically, Low Risk Driving encourages drivers to take ownership of the safety challenge. If a driver thinks, “It wasn’t my fault. There’s nothing I could have done,” then they may be failing to protect themselves due to an externalizing thinking style. On the other hand a driver with an internalizing thinking style is prepared to take ownership by reflecting on what they did to contribute to an incident. By thinking in this manner a driver acknowledges that they may have been able to do more to prevent the incident from occurring in the first place.

Low Risk Drivers use proven thinking strategies to positively influence their choices.

Behavior is Doing

The best way for you or your fleet drivers to be safer on the roads, is to change driver behaviour. Behavioural based safety programs focus on the doing. Low Risk Drivers actually do things differently as they put more effort into protecting themselves when driving.

Because everybody has their own idea about what ‘safe’ is, it is important to be specific about how to identify, measure, record and communicate safe driving behaviours in an objective manner.

It is our belief that we do not need to teach drivers how to drive as we know that most already have this skill. Rather than this, it is our aim to motivate drivers to take safety more seriously and manage their emotions, thinking and driving behaviours in a more effective manner.

We do teach drivers a number of key strategies that they can use on road to significantly reduce their chances of being involved in a crash.

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